Tuesday, January 2, 2018

He who would a gardener be ...

Well, we've tried...

With, shall we say, intermittent success. We got a good crop of potatoes one year, and a mass of pumpkins another, Wendy's herbs either go rampant or wither in a season ...
I suppose the problem is that we don't have the soil ... but some of the flowers do well enough. And the general wildish gardens look lovely. So ...?

We started on a little garden a few years ago, after seeing what friends had achieved. We cordoned off a bit of the driveway, filled the box with aged horse manure and nitrogenous stuff from the burning bin, the odd sack of potting mix and any rotting rubbish that didn't smell too bad ...
It looked good, but, of course, the top layer was only 4-5 inches deep. Underneath was a chunk of clayish drive. Well, the grass grows unwanted on the drive... So?

This year is one semi-flop too many. A remake is in order, I feel.

Here is the garden ...

Here is the crop. 3 radishes and a handful of wee potatoes ..

Oh, and endless lemon verbena and rosemary and chives and a stunning wee bay tree (see above)....

The potatoes have found a new home on the riverbank

The pumpkins are flourishing rabidly on the manure heap in the back paddock.

However, we have Enemies ....

Peafowl eat anything green, once it pokes its shoots above the ground, and gates and fences are no obstacle. They sit on them and say 'pooh'...

Then there are the hares.
OK boys you take out the magpie at the gate

and CHARGE!!!!

They have 35 acres to munch on. Why can't they leave the few square metres of garden alone.

Well, a load of compost from the Warehouse is in order. We'll have to increase our topsoil depth, I feel. And decrease our peacock population. And bunnies ... run, run, run .. here comes farmer MacGregor with his gun, gun, gun ...  Peter Rabbit be damned!

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